To be eligible for a return or exchange, the purchase must have been made within the last 48 hours, the product unopened and in original condition and the product is eligible for return.
You will need to contact us by phone on (02) 6654 1893 or by email at
You cannot return products that state they are non-returnable on the website unless it has been damaged during the delivery or the wrong product has been delivered.
If you have changed your mind about a product, you may be eligible for an exchange or refund. However, return of your product to us is at your own cost. Please contact us to discuss your options.
If you would like to exchange your item, please get in contact with us and we will confirm if the alternative item is available or not. If you have ordered the wrong product, contact us and we will see what we can do.
Some products will state that they cannot be returned, please be aware of these items.
If you suspect your product has been damaged during delivery, please do not throw away the parcel or cover in which the product came as. Do not sign for the parcel from the courier company. Please contact us by phone or email within 48 hours of the goods arriving and we will organise the return of the product for inspection and will endeavour to send you a replacement as soon as possible.
You must return a damaged or defective to us within 48 hours.
You must notify us of any lost or incomplete deliveries within 48 hours so that we can inspect the products or lay claim against the carrier. Failure to do so will result in the claim being declined.
Subject to our obligations under applicable consumer law, we reserve the right to decide in whether we will accept the return of any products for credit, repair, or replacement. We will not accept return of any product that has been tampered with, where the damage has resulted from misuse or incorrect storage by the Customer or where the product is expressly sold on a no-returns basis. Where returned product is not accepted, ir will be returned to you at your own cost. Receipt by us of returned products does not constitute acceptance for any purposes.